About Us
Future Kallahs is an empowering, supportive, zchus-generating network which provides opportunities for its members to collaborate with each other on projects that promote personal growth and Ahavas Yisroel.
Our mission is to cater to the practical, spiritual and emotional needs of frum singles by connecting them to resources, learning and leadership opportunities while serving as a venue for Jewish women to combine their unique strengths and visions with the collective efforts of other women around the world.
Our vision is to nurture a positive outlook which enables Jewish singles to build the confidence that Hashem has a unique mission for them to accomplish during each stage of their lives.
Future Kallahs strives to help women understand their worth, regardless of marital status, by empowering them to create a sense of fulfillment, meaningful contribution and accomplishment during their single years and beyond.
Our mission is to cater to the practical, spiritual and emotional needs of frum singles by connecting them to resources, learning and leadership opportunities while serving as a venue for Jewish women to combine their unique strengths and visions with the collective efforts of other women around the world.
Our vision is to nurture a positive outlook which enables Jewish singles to build the confidence that Hashem has a unique mission for them to accomplish during each stage of their lives.
Future Kallahs strives to help women understand their worth, regardless of marital status, by empowering them to create a sense of fulfillment, meaningful contribution and accomplishment during their single years and beyond.
May our collective efforts be a zchus for all of the singles to get married
and for all of our tefillos to be answered l’tova.
and for all of our tefillos to be answered l’tova.